difference between paramaters inputparameters,Local parameters, Formal parameters, Sand box parameters,Project parameters and export parameter?
Ab Initio 2403Difference between private project parameters ,public project parameters and common project parameters?
1 Ab Initio 6979How to find the project(pub,priv,common,client) in between public, Private,common?Any identification?
Ab Initio 1717how many types of project we can create in Abinitio? I mean public,private.......etc?
1 Ab Initio 7463To which project that prefix will set is to private project or public project or both?how and where to set?
Ab Initio 1485what is the project environment(for each project the environment is same or different to different project)?
Ab Initio 1762I have a DML in my local system the location is E:/u/home/khaleel/dml how to convert this path to $DML?
1 Ab Initio 3640What is the difference between formal and export parameter? Export at what secenario we are going to use?
Ab Initio 2263I have $AI-SERIAL/DML------> (SERIAL FILE LOCATION) AND $BDS-SERIAL/DML---------->(what is the location what is mean)?
1 Ab Initio 3935