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Answers / { rakesh }

Question { 11176 }

On a day, I load 10 rows in my target and on next day if I
get 10 more rows to be added to my target out of which 5 are
updated rows how can I send them to target? How can I insert
and update the record?


Here the requirement is to update the existing record and insert the new record. Its nothing but SCD1

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 16124 }

how can we use sorter transformation in joins?


while using the option sorted input, we must have to use sorter t/r before joiner to send the sorted data to the joiner.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 16016 }

Can we use unconnected lookup as dynamic lookup?


thanks suresh, and can any one explain why(the reason)?

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 3746 }

How can we integrate different flat file data in a single
mapping and with in a single execution


Using FileList concept.
i.e; keep all flat file paths in a text file and mention
this file name in source file name of session. and mention
the source file type as INDIRECT.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

Question { Polaris, 8525 }

following scenario i have 1000 record flatfile source i
want ist row to ist target 2nd eow to 2nd target 3rd row to
3rd target how will u do?


use a Sequence Generator to generate a column NUM
in Router 1st Group: MOD(NUM,3)=1
2nd Group: MOD(NUM,3)=2
3rd Group: MOD(NUM,3)=0

Im not sure about MOD format, but this idea will workout..

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

Question { 6581 }

Hello all,
In SOA architecture i.e 8.6 , What is mean by node exactly?


Node is a physical entity under Domain which is a logical
entity. Just like a team member(physical) in a team(logical).
We can create number of nodes under a domain, One MASTER
NODE and number of CHILD NODES.
In Master Node we create Repository service.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 6704 }

why union is active transformation?


since Union Transformation is derived from CUSTOM Transformation which is active.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { 4721 }



using stored procedure

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 5675 }

have you developed documents in your project? and what documents we develop in realtime?


Thanks Koti.
and does every developer need to develop LLD.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 22128 }

why union transformation is active transformation?


Since union is derived from Custom T/R which is of type Active.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 4 No

Question { CTS, 34050 }

1)how to generate sequnce numbers in informatica without
using sequnce genarator transformation.

2)i have number of records in my sourse, but iwant to
display first and last record only. how it is possible in

3)i want to update the records without using updatestrategy

4)what is diffrance between ab-intio and datastage than
compared to informatica.

5)what is the latest version of informatica in our field.


We can generate using MAPPING VARIABLE with SETCOUNTVARIABLE() function

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

Question { Emphasis, 8066 }

i have n number of records in my source, i want first and
last record to my target. how can u implement this scenario .


use 2 rank transformations, 1st one with top1 and 2nd one with bottom1 and connect them to 2 instances of target..

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 8 No

Question { Emphasis, 8066 }

i have n number of records in my source, i want first and
last record to my target. how can u implement this scenario .


Hi Chandrasekar,

My intension was to specify the column that is generated using sequence generator as RANK PORT. So no matter of sorting..


Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Question { Wipro, 5879 }

My flat file source is
C_Id 1-nov-2011 8-nov-2011
100 2000 1500
101 2500 2000
I want my Target as
C_Id Week_Num Amt
100 45 2000
100 46 1500
101 45 2500
101 46 2000


Thanks Vijaya.
In Expression we can use the date function to find the week number of the year. But here we have 1-nov-2011 as the column name, but not the column value. i.e; we have dates as column names, not as col values..
So please clarify..

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Zensar, 7112 }

can session assigned multiple mappings or not?


Session represents only one mapping. It makes the mapping available to the workflow for execution.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

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