What is aws data pipeline?
Explain amazon kinesis firehose?
State the difference between amazon s3 and ec2?
Explain the terms elasticache and dynamodb?
What des ami include?
List various layers of cloud architecture?
How is buffer used in aws?
Mention the types of storages offered by aws?
When will you incur the costs with an elastic ip address (eip)?
How do you grand user to access elastic beanstalk?
What is natting?
If I want the instance to run on single tenant hardware, which value do have to set the instance’s tenancy attribute to?
What is route53?
How hvm (hardware vm ) amis and pvm (para vm) are different from each other.
Let to Suppose you have an application where do you have to render images and also do some of general computing. which service will be best fit your need?