Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

write the vb script for call to new action in qtp?


we add library file used in test via settings or through "ExecuteFile" command. when we implement framework do we make common library file and load the same for all the test cases execution?


Can we write winrunner language i.e TSL in QTP tool?


hi can anybody help with an qtp 9.2 license key please. Thanks, Nitesh.


Hi.. I want to do parametrization for selecting perticular flighr say XYZ by using local table: criteria: 1.If flight is available msgbox "Flight is available" and then select flight from flight table and click to ok button after that as enter username and ticket no and then stop 2. otherwise msgbox " Flight is not available" and stop Please help me out ..and let me know your responses on dipak.bachhav@gmail.com Regard, Dipak


write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object..


write a script to verify the image path(src property) of the images which are in web pages.


write a script to verify links on any web page by using descriptive method by creating a description object (give a filter condition only link) ... need to verify expected like name by reading


write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object.. (give a filter condition only WEbelement- not easy need to use some more property while giving filter condtions- use google for your help...))


What contains Data Driven Framework document in qtp?


any body can you help me what is the script to automate an comand promt


1.explain end to end process of qc,2.how many tabs are in qc9.0,qc10.0 3.what is review, how many reviews are following in aproject 4.how will you get the requirements 5.why do we choose testing 6.how to export tc's and requirements to qc through add-ins


How to recognise the webelement and verifying that webelement is enabled?


I used child objects to get the no of weblist present in the weblist.now i need to select the items present in each weblist ?How to do so


If the weblist is identified as webelement,and by clicking on webelement if the values are displayed,and if the values the values also identified as webelement.then how to fetch the values through script?