Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

Hi All , How can we decicde for pariticular frame(DataDriven or Keword Driven)in Project? Thanks Balaji


Hi All, I Want To excute scripts batch without using QC .I need code for that Thanks Balaji


Hi All, I need code for how to execute qtp scripts from excell sheet


Which advantages helping QTP to hold the position of "Market Leader" for such a long period?


For QTP Test Engineer, What is his contribution to the Project? Means, As as automation test engineer what is his role in the current project?


After fixing the bug, the same bug is raising again and again in new builds what we have to do? That bug is high level bug.


Does QTP10 supports Windows 7OS +IE 9 combination? Which is the preffered combination ,Plz let me know?


How you will rate urself in QTP in the range of 0 to 5


is it possible to add sheets to excel at runtime


How to Get the Run-time value of an object under that web app under Test to the local data table sheet of that Action?


Should have experience in framework means?


How to sendKeys in QTP? Diff b/w sendkeys and device replay? Diff b/w function and Sub? Diff b/w Array and List Different Types of running Keys other than Fast, slow,Normal mode Regular expression for http://newtours.demoaut.com Difference between \w and \W How to generate script button Recording Types Different Types of Actions? Using DP performance degrades, If Yes why? How to close all the opened browsers? Diff b/w SystemUtil.Run and invoke application? If qtp not recognized the combo box How to select values from drop down?


Create flight reservation login descriptive programing (Condition: Remove the value and substitute with a variable, and then call the validation from Excel) Plz help me....... very urgent.........


how to write the descriptive programming in QTP for remove the object value and substitute, with a variable then call the validation from excel


before launching qtp, we need to close all the open browsers u dont know what are all the browsers either it might be ie,mozilla etc and u dont know how many brosers are open.... u need to close all these before launching qtp.. can anyone plz temme d solution...