Un-Answered Questions { Aptitude Questions }

How would you measure 4 liters using jugs of 3l and 5l? Give a few solutions to this problem?


What number comes next 10, 9, 60, 90, 70 and 66?


Which number does not belong to this series 1,1,2,3,4,5,8,13,21?


A son and father goes for boating in river upstream . After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his fathe falling in the river. After 5 min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn around and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5 min. Tell the speed of river.


Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig player they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from argentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it


what is the angle between two hands of a clock when time is 8-30


in space ship 5men are going1.doctor,drug asdditive 2.lady lawer has done crime 3.teacher emotinally imbalanced 4. 18 year old aeruonautical engineer 5. noble lauraut .suddenly some thing happend and oxygen is available to only three people to use which of three you choose


a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there(similar)


15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of the m are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.


A small town's industries have a total turnover of Rs. 25,00,000. If the town council plans to raise Rs.170,000 through octroi levy, what % levy should it charge on the industries?


X and Y are partners in a business. X invests 300 for 12 months and Y invested 600 for 6 months. If they gain a profit of 700 at the end of one year, what is X's share?


A contractor employed 200 men to complete a strip of highway in 200 days. After 150 days he found that only 3/5th of the strip is complete. How many additional men should be employed to complete the work on time?


A sum of money doubles itself in 4 years at simple interest, in how many years, it would become 7 times of itself?


720 buses operate from a depot, but 168 are being repaired. What percentage of the total that are in service?


1/3 of girls and 1/2 of boys is goto canteen. What factor & total no. of class mates goto canteen.