Un-Answered Questions { APPSC }

Hi to one and all .... i want to knw abt group exams .. every detail of dis exams from d experienced persons ... when dis exam will be held in 2010 ? .... i will be glad if anyone can answer me what exactly am looking for ... thank u


I am 32 years old. My caste is BC . I want to appear a government exam. Which government exams i will prepare. Not only in state exams also central exams. i don't know what i do. Please give the suggestions for me and send the exam details.


i want to write group exams please say me address of coaching centres.


sir, how can i prepare the appsc exams ..order of that pattren..


I did my MS in Automotive Engineering & B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Am planing to write APPSC Group-II exam for Motor vehicle Inspector post. So does any one got previous exam papers related to above mentioned subjects. You can mail me at matt4harrington@gmail.com


hi sir i am studying degree final year i want to write group1 exam please tell me sir how can i prepared for that exam for getting good rank in that exam


what is the full name of adis.


Hi.. every one can any one tel me how should i start preparing for Divisional accounts officer interview.. your help will be greatly appreciated if u share any links of interview questions / books / coaching centers... Thanks in advance


sir,iam suresh,i'm purchasing b.tech final year in vbit...... can i eligible for group1 exam and civils


sir,i'm suresh i'm purchasing b.tech final year in vbit in hyd...now can i go coaching for civils....and it will take how much time in a day ...my small request is it correct way to coaching now......but it's my life goal..........


two punctures appear on body bitten by scorpion poison


lenkas word termed during kakatiya rule is meant for


iam studying bpharmacy 3rd year now . iam prepare group2 so please tell me how to prepare group2&when the next notification declere please tell me details to my email


hi! can anyone of u send me the previous model papers of group1 mains which were given in 2008 notification brochure


Hello sir.... what are the carders for group 1,2,3 and 4 belongs to.....???????????