Un-Answered Questions { Automation Testing AllOther }

Anyone have idea of jmeter.IF so pls contact to this mail id arun130887@hotmail.com


Is there any freeware tool for automation testing of mobile applications for BlackBerry and iPhone platforms ?


In Selenium how a test suit is run and report is generated.


In Selenium how a test suit is run and report is generated.


how to re-install QTP 11.0 trial version


On Test Complete I recorded some keyword test. while I'm running the batch test, if one test case failed, then how test complete skip the failed test case and again continue to run the test case? please provide some way to resolve this issue.


Hi All! Am new to Selenium and would really appreciate your help writing test cases for the following scenario: 1. Manually create 2 logins User A and User B on say, orkut.com or facebook.com. 2. Have User A invite User B as a friend. 3. Have User B accept the friend request. 4. Have User A post a comment on his own profile. 5. Have User B post a reply to that comment. 6. Each User logs out of his respective account. 7. Do not use Selenium IDE. 8. Use Selenium RC and Java.


can any one please tell me QTP 9.2 supports which version of IE and Mozilla firefox.


I am new to jmeter and i am working on .net application.I am recording the requests and pop up images data are not recording.can some one suggest an idea regarding this


22. Scenario: There are 1 to 100 numbers. Each number should be keep in the each column like from A column to Z column ie 1 to 26. From 27 to 52 should be in 2nd row in the excel sheet. This has to be continue till 100. How do you write Java program and what are various methods.


What are Keyword and Data driven frameworks in Selenium RC


Hi, Below is the code that i ran on selenium RC using eclipse IDE and java coding.: package source; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; public class parameterized extends SeleneseTestCase { private Selenium browser; public static void main(String []args) { String arr[] = new String[5]; arr[0]= "bert"; arr[1]= "regular"; arr[2]= "copyonly"; arr[3]= "doert"; arr[4]= "inter"; parameterized obj = new parameterized(); obj.setUp(); obj.login_parameterize(arr); } @BeforeSuite public void setUp() { browser = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444, "*chrome", "http://goolge.com"); browser.start(); browser.open("http://goolge.com"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); browser.windowMaximize(); browser.open("/"); browser.click("gb_23"); } @Test public void login_parameterize(String[] arr ) { for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=2; j++) { browser.type("//input[@id='Email']", arr[i]); browser.type("//input[@id='Passwd']", arr[i]); browser.click("//input[@id='signIn']"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); } } } public void EnterValuesIntoTextField_CheckWithGetValue() throws Exception { selenium.open("http://www.essaywriter.co.uk"); assertEquals("", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); selenium.type("id=textInput", "Text In The Field"); assertEquals("Text In The Field", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); } } When i ran this test i got an error which says: "Method login_parameterize requires 1 parameters but 0 were supplied in the @Test annotation." Any help is much appreciated. thank Gab


Can we prioritize tests in Junit. What is the sequence of execution in Junit?


Program/pseudo code on FIFO? Input a string and make sure that output is in FIFO manner. Eg, Enter 'John Dave' as input and output should be 'John Dave' not 'Dave John'. (inbuilt functions like push, pop were given)


Generic function for selecting a Radio Button in a Dialog