What is difference between co-related sub query and nested sub query?
What is oracle full backup?
What is pga_aggregate_target?
A dba had to remove some archivelogs to free up space in filesystem. Nowwhen the rman job starts to backup archivelogs, it complains about missing archivelogs thatwere deleted by dba. To resolve the issue and continue backing up remainder of archivelogs,which rman command can be used so it wo not complain about missing archivelogs.
What are the tradeoffs between many vs few indexes? When would you want to have many, and when would it be better to have fewer?
If you had a tablespace, test_tablespace, which consists of three files:test01.dbf, test02.dbf, and test03.dbf, and someone accidentally used the unix command"rm" to delete the file test02.dbf, what else would you need in order to recover all the data thatwas present in test_tablespace at the time that test02.dbf was deleted?
Tell me about standby database? What should we watch out for?
What is the difference between a materialized view (snapshot) fast refresh versus complete refresh? When is one better, and when the other?
Explain the wait events in statspack report 'db scattered read', 'db sequential real', 'enqueue'?
What are the steps involved in instance recovery in oracle?
What is oracle log switch?
What does the no logging option do? Why would we use it? Why would we be careful of using it?
How do I call oracle stored procedures that take no parameters?
How do I learn what codesets are available in oracle?
How do I use os authentication with weblogic jdriver for oracle and connection pools?