How to test SQL -911 error while developing COB-DB2 program
before altering a table is it necessary to lock ? if lock what is it ? how to do ? ifi want to lock a table what is that command ?
can we view the access paths created by dbrm ? how ? thx
What r the comman abends in db2, jcl and cobol???????
what is diffrence b/w file-aid tool and file-aid utility???
run jcl for cobol+db2 pgm?.. //jobcard //step001 exec pgm=ikjeft01 //systin dd * DSNSYSTEM(--------) RUN PROGRAM(MYPGMNAME) PLAN(-----), LIB(-------), PARMS(------) /* WHAT WILL U GIVE INSIDE THE BRACKETS... WHAT IS PLAN,PACKAGE,BIND?..PLAN N PACAKGES ARE GENERATED BY ?...
what is db2 restart?
I have a subprogram B calling from mainprogram A.I have opened a cursor in A ,Can i fetch the same cursor in subprogram B , If yes , Please explain the reason?
Suppose pgm A calling Pgm B .Pgm B has some Db2 program. at the time of compilation should plan and package will be created for both A and B or only B? What is the concept?
what is the responsibility of the construction superintendent
How to resolve deadlock issue
i want to maintain uniqueness on pdf without make lf??????????
When a COBOL-DB2 program in PRODUCTION is updating main tables and gone for long run, what have to do?
in my project..TEST is db2 8.1 version In PROD it is 7.1 if i do REORG in TEST.. can I use the same REORG jcl with out modification in PROD region (this is DB2 8.1 )? if not, what modification i need to do in my REORG control card?