name the scheduler for scheduling job and explain the scheduler? : Sas-di
What are the prime responsibilities of data integration administrator? : Sas-di
what are the benefits of data integration? : Sas-di
what is snowflake schema? : Sas-di
What are the different operating system platforms in which we can use sas? : sas-grid-administration
How do you connect the desktop application to metadata server? : sas-grid-administration
What are the different servers in sas? : sas-grid-administration
In sas admin differentiate between roles and capabilities? : sas-grid-administration
What is the role of unrestrictive users? : sas-grid-administration
What is connection profile? : sas-grid-administration
For a user to have access to a standard workspace server, is internal authentication alone is sufficient? : sas-grid-administration
Name any two sas spawners? : sas-grid-administration
What are the five ways to do a table lookup in sas? : sas-grid-administration
What are the different versions of sas that you have used until now? : sas-grid-administration
What is the role of sas grid administrator? : sas-grid-administration