Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

what types of essays are giving in bank of america. can any one tell the opics? LAVANYA


Aravinda Financiers sanctioned a loan of Rs 250000. A cheque was sent after adjusting processing charges Rs 247250 Pass necessary entry


Deposited Rs 25000 in Canara Bank of ABC co towards dealership deposit thru our SBH Bank Pass necessary entry


Received cheque Rs 250000 which is exclusive of 5% Security deposit 2.24% income tax and i% miscellaneous recovery. Pass necessary entry


Ram, the proprietor brought additional capital of Rs 75000/- by pledging his wifes gold.pass entry


Suresh agreed to adjust Ramesh due amount of Rs 15000- from his credit balance


Received credit note for Rs 3500 towards transport charges on the goods supplied from Vinod traders. The transport charges were already paid at the time of delivery. Pass entries at the time of payment of transport and for credit note


Transfer nett profit of Rs 325000/- to Reserves and Surplus


Erection and Instalation charges of Rs 7500 to Lift was debited to repairs and maintenance account. Rectify it


Guest expenses Rs 5500/-on behalf of partner Aravind was written as Hospitality. Rectify it


Two months rent of Rs 25000/- was adjusted in Rental advance account at the time vacating office


Raju put labour charges bill for Rs 65000/- You are directed to deduct 5% security deposit and 1.15% TDS from the bill. Pass journal entry for it


Paid office electricity charges Rs 15000/- and Ram partners residence electricity charges 1250 thr andhra bank cheque


Apportion Rs 125000/- Nett loss among the partners A,B,C as per their sharing ratios 32%,16% and the balance to C. Pass journal entry


Apportion Nett profit of rs 325600 among the partners A,B,C and D as per sharing ratios of 26%,13%,32% and the balance to D.Pass journal entry