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1.Dandgling Reference refer to? 2.Encryption used in IEEE 802.11? 3.Version of Advanced Enryption Standard(AES) and cipher Key? 4.No.of vertex of odd degree is ? 5.Slowest Sorting Algorathim? 6.Complexity to delete a node from Linked LIST? 7.EBCDIC can code upto how many charcter? 8.estimation equation of cocomo model for organic project? 9.need for the extended ER Model? 10.Infrastructure component for the DATA Center? 11.which type of memory device has Min. cost of storing one bit information ? 12.color combination for printer? 13.father of computer? 14.thrashing affect? 15.preemptive version of FCFS? 16.c is a ..............Language? 17.object based language? 18.whicj memory can not be interface with procesor? 19.input for linker? 20.preprocesor starts functioning when....?


how the parting surface is selected in injection mould


if i need a previous year rrb section engg electrical department qs? it is possible means pls send it through my email id er.saran89@rediffmail.com


Take a Large textbox allow to type any data. Task 1:display the count of vowels in a lable on key press event of the textbox Task 2:dispaly count of dates in a lable when dates in following foramats:dd/mm/yy , mm/dd/yy , yy/mm/dd. Task3:compare 2 dates and display both are same or not which dates are in dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy farmats.


My Name Is Surendra Kumar Meena,When declared Informatics Assistant Result By RPSC Plz Send Me answer on my E-mail:- microworld_sur@yahoo.com




hi,i just want to know the best institute to learn oracle in bangalore because i am doing my BE there?


Answers for I am Ankit. I had done MBA-Finance. I am selecet in LIC as a Development Officer and also selected in Post Office as a Postal Assistant..Both salary are same. then which job i have to select??


Sir, what are the certification courses available in peoplesoft. I have completed my B.com (1991) and currently working in IT sector on peoplesoft financial module.where i can do this certification.


I am Durai from Madurai and now I am working in the field of Elevator industries and now have applied for Railway Section Engineer Post. The exam date is 12th Dec'10. I am very interested & eager to serve in our Government Sector as well as Technical Field. Please forward me the model question papers, ideas, notes for doing the Written exam successfully.... Note: My E-mail Id: durai.er@gmail.com With thans & regards, S.Durai.


I am Durai and have applied for PO for INDIAN BANK. And I am preparing. Kindly send me the Model question papers, ideas for the same. With regards, S.Durai


What is the use of ADD to RECEIPT FILED in receipt localized? Then how to performing in SOURCE TYPE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL?


program to convert a integer to string in c language'


Tell me the algo for convering number into words. Meanse if the number is 4567 then it should print Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven


a single linked list consists of nodes a to z .print the nodes in reverse order from z to a using recursion