Write a program to find the given number is odd or even
without using any loops(if,for,do,while)

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Write a program to find the given number is odd or even without using any loops(if,for,do,while)..

Answer / shiv kumar

(num/2==0)? printf("even"):printf("odd");

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 7 No

Write a program to find the given number is odd or even without using any loops(if,for,do,while)..

Answer / kiran

int n;
printf("enter the number");
n%2==0?(printf("given number is even");):(printf("given
number is odd"););

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

Write a program to find the given number is odd or even without using any loops(if,for,do,while)..

Answer / ramu gurram

int main()
int i;
printf("enter a number \n");
float f=i%2;
f==0 ? printf("given number is even") : printf("given
number is odd");
return 0;

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Write a program to find the given number is odd or even without using any loops(if,for,do,while)..

Answer / taesung kim

(num & 1) ? (odd) : (even);

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 11 No

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