Busy waiting is a method whereas a taskwaits for a given
event by continiously checking for an event to occur. What
is the main problem with this approach
What is nocopy in plsql?
how to study PHP my own? i reffered many sites.. but as being a fresher i couldnt follow those... which site will be the best one?
what is the basic and unique feature of dotnet
Why data bus is bidirectional and address bus is unidirectional?
Why we use NEW operator when we create Object,While in C++ we donot ?
what is difference between java and c#
hii I inntrested abt scjp certification but i dont knw abt scjp plz send details abt scjp exam and syllabus.
Where do we need Operator overloading?
is it possible to desable particular parameter of the normal orcle report based on some condition ?????? if yes,wht is the function for desabling a parameter...
Can anyone provide as400 training material or any institute in bangalore for as400 training
Write a shell program where you enter a number which corresponds to K.M. Find out the corresponding values in m, cm, inches, and feet. Hints:- 1 k.m= 1000 m 1 m= 100 cm 1 inches= 2.54 cm. 1 feet= 12 inches
What is web.configuration? how is it work? & wht is use this?