what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?

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what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / pranith

I am adding some more points:

5) In Weblogic 8.x, all the jms details will be present in
the same config.xml whereas 9.x/10.x it will be partly
maintained in config.xml and a separate xml files in
domain/config/jms folders for each jms module.
6) In 8.x we don't have concept of JMS modules and
subdeployments whereas its in 10.x.
7) In 8.x, we have queues,topics,distributed destination
etc., separately whereas in 10.x they are clubbed inside a
JMS module.
8) The directory structure inside a domain differs alot
between 8.x and 9.x/10.x like the config.xml location,cache
and staging folder paths,managed or admin server paths etc.
9)The wlst is made more easy and comfortable from 9.x
onwards when compared to 8.1 sp6.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 2 No

what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / kruthi

1)In WL 8.x we have connection pools and data sources,
where as in WL 9&10 we have only data sources and inside
data sources we are having connection pools.
2)In WL 8.x we ahve execute queue's, where as in WL 9&10 we
are having work managers.
3)In WL 8.x we dont have LOCK & EDIT, Where as in WL 9&10
we have LOCK & EDIT.
4)In WL 8.x licence.beafile is present to update the
licence,Where as in WL 9&10 there is no licence.bea file.

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 10 No

what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / avia

In 9.x there is option to update an application that is
deployed from the admin console. No need to un-install and
redeploy. In 8.x you would need to delete and deploy the
file again.

One more feature of 9.x is side-by side deployment is
possible. It is not there in 8.x

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 1 No

what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / alicia

All the above is correct except for #4. You do need the
license.bea for WL 9&10. The difference is that there is a
generic license.bea file for each version that you can
download from Oracle. No need to request a custom
license.bea file. In WLS 10 MP2 and above, the downloaded
software comes with a fully blown license so no need to even
download a new one from Oracle.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 4 No

what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / mohit

10. 8.x sever never comes-up if even one of the deployment fails and while in 9.x, server gets into ADMIN mode.

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what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / meenu

Adding some more points

1)In wls8, we need to add jython.jar and python.jar to use
WLST. But WLS9 and above we don't have to do that as we have

2)New feature, "Diagnostic Framework" launch with wls10 and


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what is the diffrence between weblogic server 8.x/9.x/10.x?..

Answer / naga

Some more pints
=>In wls8 No concept of JMS modules and sub deployments
where as 9,10x Jms modules and sub deployments are included.
=>In wls8 Queue/topic is configured under distributed
destination where as 9,10x Queue/topic/dd etc are all
clubbed in a JMS modules
=>In wls8 Server dosent come up if deployment fails where as
Server boots in ADMIN mode if deployment failes

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

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