Why you want leave the current job?
Order Management Questions on the Oracle applications. ================================================= A)Explain the basic flow of Order Management Regular Sales order cycle. B)Explain the difference between the pick release and Ship Confirm process. c)Explain the Credit Check functionality. d)Explain the Ship Confirm Rule e)Explain how the price can be given to an item. f)Explain how can we Generate an invoice once we booked the order for a shippable item. g)Explain the Pricing Entities 1)Modifiers 2)Qualifiers. h)If the Ship Confirm button is Greyed out from the Shipping Transactions form what could be the reason. i)Explain the KFF’s in Order management Inventory a)Explain types of move orders b)Explain the Planning Methods c)Explain the Difference between Purchasable and purchased attributes. d)Explain KFF’s In Oracle inventory. e)Explain the Lead times concept. f)What is cumulative lead time and Cummulative Mfg Lead time. g)Explain Standard Costing and Average Costing. h)How can the Lead times be setup in the Item Master. i)Explain how many levels of reservation can be done. Purchasing a)Explain the document types. b)Explain the KFF’s in Purchasing. c)Explain the balancing segment. d)Explain the returns on Purchase order concept. e)Explain the attributes used for the purchasing.
hi, I've got a low score of 72 in toefl.And i ve booked gre on june... Wat should i do now.. Can i continue preparing for gre else Should i have to write toefl again. Please suggests..
what are you own special abilities?
Malawi has been facing a number of disasters ranging from floods, drought, strong winds and others. What kind of crops research organisations can help in the finding out of the best crops to plant in these scenario for the rural farmers to follow.
0 Answers Focus, Focus Softnet,
When result will declare of FBL PO exam..??
i have sbi po material ...... if anybody need it,.,. then tell me
55 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
when will the icse 2011 result proclaimed?
Hi, I have passed the SBI SO written exam for the post Ass.Manager(Systems) . Could anyone help me with the interview type and questions? Thanks bjdas1987@gmail.com
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
12.05 x 5.4 Õ 0.3 = ? (a)108.55 (b)216.90 (c)118.45 (d)118.55 (e)None of these
i hv got a interview call from union bank of india for the post of assistant manager marketing.can anyone tell me how to prepare for this?
why you want to join bank