Hi! This is Manas Nandi. I am going to appear UCO Bank's IT
Officer JMGS - I Recruitment Written Exam 2009.
I am unaware of the aforesaid written exam's syllabus,
question type, last 5-10 years question patterns.
Please send me above mentioned details as soon as possible.
My email address is manas_be@yahoo.co.in.
Thanks in advance!
Hi...I have got thru Federal Bank Written Exam. Does any one received any communication from Bank side about the interview details. Please let me know if u ppl receive it. I am also waiting 4 IOB final list....dont knw when thy r going to declare it. If any one receive any info plz share it on this thread.
My SBI PO GD PI is on 12th feb. pls help me to know different GD topics and interview questions. my email id; vvkpnd@rediffmail.com
3 Answers Canara Bank, State Bank Of India SBI,
Congratulation to all who have cleared the Tier II exam of SBI PO held on 30Nov. I had written that exam during my 9th month of pregnancy, I gave birth to my baby in Dec. Now i am confused how to attend the interview and GD with a month old baby, my in-laws are very supportive and they are supporting me a lot during this period , but my question will SBI interviewr will conside my candidature or will they reject me plz any body guide me
Syndiacte Bank PO Results are announced
What is Green House Effect??? Etc Etc..
0 Answers CBI, Indian Overseas Bank,
Where i can get the information about IDBI BANK - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF INDIA - MANAGER JOBS 2009
3 Answers Idbi Bank, Indian Overseas Bank,
hi all i have shortlisted for bank of india interview . but i dont know how to prepare for that interview so please guide me with some model interview questions and tell me the sites in which i can get such interview questions
Is is right that in PO interview they like freshers.
Hiiiii iam selected in allahabad po written... i will like to knw the domain and various questions that are asked. iam having my interview on 5th jun 2009. please help with some previous questions.my mail id is swatisingh_cs@yahoo.co.in
1 Answers Allahabad Bank, State Bank Of India SBI,
why do you want to join icici bank
please............... mail bank po quetion papers with solution and trick to crack the bank po exam emailid deepika22589@yahoo.in
i prepared for bank jobs over a year but couldnot clear what should i do now time is passing on