can anybody help me to solve this problem. the program that
i m checking display error message saying "Record format
for file AJDSPFFD does not match model file and decimal
error. how to solve this problem. The AJDSPFFD is snapshot
the AJTLOG that is the audit trail list.
Need a sql query: retrive all duplicate records in table
what is post opcode do
1.How to read a subfile in out put mode? 2.what are the keywords used to share same file? 3.using composite key which rpg code used?
How can we search particular records from the database file in RPG. For example, there are 100 records in the file.i need to retrieve all the records matching/equal to the particular 'NAME' field. How can we do the above using SEARCH criteria other than using the IF cond?
How do u design a physical file, when you have 2 Unique fields like for eg in A student file student ID and student examination no both are unique
how do I declare a table or array in rpg iv?
How Chain operation copies the record's data to the input buffer for the program?
What is the name of default out queue when user logs inn to syatem with valid profile?
What is the length of Signature?
What will be your approach in going either for OPNQRYF or Logical files. Which one to go for?
how do I do concatenation in rpg iv, like I do in cl?
How to change the name of physical members Dynamically?