write a script to display mirror image of a entered value
and also check whether Palindrome
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Answer / dheeraj
print("Enter the no. to check for Palindrome : ");
my $no = <STDIN>;
my $rev =reverse($no);
print "Palindrom \n" if ($rev eq $no);
#Perl cannot identify the datatype until we force operation
on it;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 2 No |
print("Enter the no. to check for Palindrome : ");
$no = <STDIN>;
$i = 0;
# Store into a array
while($no != 0)
@array[$i] = $no % 10;
$no = int($no / 10);
$flag = "true";
# Check for Palindrome
while( ($flag eq "true" )&& ( $j < @array/2) ){
if (@array[$j] != @array[$i])
$flag = "false"
# Print the result
if( $flag eq "true")
print("It is a Palindrome\n");
print("It is NOT a Palindrome\n");
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / guest
# Reverse a string and check if it is palindrome
my $str = "A man, a plan, a cat, a canal – Panama!"; # a
multiple word string
@arr = split //, $str;
my $revstr;
for (0..$#arr) {
$revstr .= join (//, pop(@arr));
print "reversed string: $revstr\n";
my $mod_str = $str;
$mod_str =~ (s/[\W]//g);
$revstr =~ (s/[\W]//g);
print "$str is a palindrome \n" if ( lc($mod_str) eq lc
($revstr) );
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
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