How many form C we can issue or receive in 1 quarter
against Inter state purchase or sales
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Answer / anilyadav
one F.Year 4 Qtr. So 4 c form issue and recive in One F Y
Only one C issue and recived form One qtr.
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Answer / sanjeev kumar
only 1 c form can be issue for 1 party during a quarter
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Answer / amit goyal
we can issue 1 c form to thr party for a one querter.This
is not limit for purchase and sale in a C form
for one querter for one party for same address.
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Answer / a. acharya
As per rules read with the Act,one c form for each
transaction or multiple transactions throughout the quarter
with same vendor can be clubbed. There is no such
restriction as per law that only one c form can be given.
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Answer /
we are issue only one "c" form any one supplyer or received
only one "c" from any one customer in a quarter.
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Answer / sandeep gupta
Only one C form for one qtr
For total taxable bill amount(without CST) of three months
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Answer / r.roopa yeshwanth
only one c form for one quarter has to be given , but not only for one supplier,if they are like 25 supplier allover India, if we purchased in apr, may, june, we should issue all three month clubbed invoice and then issue the 1st quarter C form , and like this it goes on till 4th quarter.
if really understood , kindly email:
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