The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable
remuneration to the working partners
If it is a business firm
If it is Professional Firm
and also let me know under what section

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The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable remuneration to the working partners ..

Answer /

Mr Vikas Verma
You knew well to answer but forgot to help others
Your calculation about business firm is correct,but For
professional firm it is not correct.
Try to give answer in detail
The limitations under Sec 44 AA for professional firms and
Business firms U/s 40b
The limitations are
Professional Firms
1.Ist 1,00,000 90% 90,000
2.on the 2nd 1 Lakh 60% 60,000
3.On the Balance i.e 125600 @40% 50,240 2,00,240

For Business Firms
On the 1st 75,000 @90% 67,500
On the 2nd 75,000 @60% 45,000
On the balance 1,75,600 @40% 70,240 1,82,740

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 1 No

The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable remuneration to the working partners ..

Answer / stockproindiadotcom

What care should one take while investing?

Before making any investment, one must ensure to:

1.obtain written documents explaining the investment and understand such documents
3.verify the legitimacy of the investment
4.find out the costs and benefits associated with the
5.assess the risk-return profile of the investment
6.know the liquidity and safety aspects of the investment
7.ascertain if it is appropriate for your specific goals these details with other investment opportunities
9.examine if it fits in with other investments you are
considering or

you have already made
10. deal only through an authorised intermediary
11. seek all clarifications about the intermediary and the
12. explore the options available to you if something were
to go

wrong,and then, if satisfied, make the investment.
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stockproindia </a>
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stockproindia </a>

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The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable remuneration to the working partners ..

Answer / sharetipsinfo


Stock market India is volatile and all those who speculate
in market are loosing everyday. Please remember stock market
is not for speculation purpose. If one feel investing in
stock market is gamble then its better to think again.

One should always note that if they want to invest money
they should do proper research be it fundamental research or
technical research. Just think how come you can invest
your money without any convincing reason for the same?

Indian stock market is one of the most happening and
emerging market. Major Indian stock exchanges are BSE and
NSE and both are of world class standards.

So grab good stocks and invest that’s the bottom line.

We hope to see you in major profits.

<a href="" title="SHARETIPSINFO

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The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable remuneration to the working partners ..

Answer / sharetipsinfo


Stock market India is volatile and all those who speculate
in market are loosing everyday. Please remember stock market
is not for speculation purpose. If one feel investing in
stock market is gamble then its better to think again.

One should always note that if they want to invest money
they should do proper research be it fundamental research or
technical research. Just think how come you can invest
your money without any convincing reason for the same?

Indian stock market is one of the most happening and
emerging market. Major Indian stock exchanges are BSE and
NSE and both are of world class standards.

So grab good stocks and invest that’s the bottom line.

We hope to see you in major profits.

<a href="" title="SHARETIPSINFO

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The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable remuneration to the working partners ..

Answer / puntercalls

India’s Bombay Stock Exchange along with Taqwaa Advisory and
Shariah Investment Solutions (TASIS) launched a Shariah
compliant index on Monday in an effort to attract more
investors from India and abroad.
The index allows investors to buy stocks without violating
Islamic investment guidelines.for more details please visit
to: http://www

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

The Book Profit of a firm is 325600/- What is the allowable remuneration to the working partners ..

Answer / vikash verma

PARTNERS IS RS. 182740.00

PARTNERS IS RS. 193240.00

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