Q : In session created by server with client(browser) How
can server find that request coming is belong to new
session OR belong to session that is timeout.
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Answer / vanita
when client request for the first time, container generates
a session id for that perticular user. server process the
request and sends the response and also sends that sessionID.
for next request from the same user, that session id must be
sent back to the server so that server can fetch the
sessionID from request and match with previously generated
IDs , if match then it associates this next request with
the previous session.
This transfer of sessionId b/w server and user can be done
via 2 ways -
1. By cookies
2. By URL rewritting
In case if browser doesnt support cookies, then only the
second method is used.
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Answer / subhash
getSession() returns a session regardless of there's apre-
existing session.Since we always get back an HttpSession
instance back from the method,the only way to know if the
session is new is to ask the session itself:
HttpSession session=request.getsession();
out.println("A NEW SESSION");
out.println("WelCOme Back");
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / raj
While client is requesting to server, in requested body
session id will go to server. then the server will treated
as old client is connecting/.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / rajib
import javax.servelet.*;
public MyServelet extends HttpServelet{
public void doGet(HttpServeletRequest
req,HttpServeletResponse res)throws ServletException,IO
PrintWriter out=res.getPrintWriter();
out.println("for trac session0");
HttpSession sess=req.getSession();
out.println(Old session not exist );
HttpSession session=request.getSession(true);
out.println("new Session Created.");
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