1)How to calculate HRA in Income tax
2)Kindly give me Item list applicable for Tax deduction
with their Amt limit and section (Ie Lta,grautity)
how many form 38(Road permit) can issue in one month or in one time
how much tax would be deducted and interest can be gained on 15 lakhs by senior citizen?
Please guide me... We are dealing in trading of industrial material. What is the difference between importer, 1st stage dealer, 2nd stage dealer and 3rd stage dealer? Whether all of these above can pass on the excise duty to the end user. Please tell me and thanks in advance.
can we have benefit of CST in VAT (Haryana). explain?
plz tell me Vat Return & Vat Forms
what is reverse charges in service tax
Wat is U r stength and weekness
Wat is HRA? How it caculated?
If we got a printing jon we are adverstising firm for that we purchase paper from local dealer which contain vat 4% now when i bill to the person from whom i got a priniting job what should i consider this as service or sale and what tax i charge, i don't have vat no. but i have service tax no.?
when to apply tds
What is the job of a accountant other than maintening accounts books?What type of Tax he should familiar to work as an Accountant?