What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ?
Is both are same or is there any specific difference ...?

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What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ? Is both are same or is there any specific differ..

Answer / sunil

as per wikipedia also ISDN stands for "Integrated Services Digital Network is a telephone system network. Prior to the ISDN, the phone system was viewed as a way to transport voice, with some special services available for data. The key feature of the ISDN is that it integrates speech and data on the same lines, adding features that were not available in the classic telephone system. There are several kinds of access interfaces to the ISDN defined: Basic Rate Interface (BRI), Primary Rate Interface (PRI) and Broadband-ISDN (B-ISDN)"
The Internet is a global data communications system & information. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers

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What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ? Is both are same or is there any specific differ..

Answer / fit shady !

ISDN is is the type of internet connection connected with phone/landline.
Wifi is also internet connection but it's signals can be connected to any computer or mobile if it is not password protected.

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What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ? Is both are same or is there any specific differ..

Answer / richard c

I guess you wanted to ask what ISDN is because actually ISDN
is a type of Internet connection. I can give you a link
where you can read more about ISDN:
ozekiphone.com/what-is-isdn-nt-334.htmlIt is the pag of
Ozeki Phone System XE, a telephone system that provdes
useful information for telephone system users.

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What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ? Is both are same or is there any specific differ..

Answer / sairagini

According to wiki ISDN is set of communication standards for
simultaneous digital transmission of voice,and other network
services over traditional circuits of PSTN.Whereas internet
is a global system connected computer networks that uses
TCP/IP to serve billions of users over world wide

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What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ? Is both are same or is there any specific differ..

Answer / l tumahole

Isdn is a type of data and internet service that makes use
of digital signals running along existing copper lines to
increase the data throughput, reduce line noise and enhance
signal quality. Whereas, Internet is a packet-switched
network of interconnected computers, enabling users to
share information along multiple channels. Channels which
can be made available by using ISDN for example! That makes
the difference.

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What is the difference between Internet and ISDN ? Is both are same or is there any specific differ..

Answer / sunil kulshrestha

Internet is the content & ISDN is the medium to access the content.

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