what is the difference between functional dependecy and
multilevel dependency?
What is the difference between truncate & delete command?
Is oracle an operator?
Is there an oracle sql query that aggregates multiple rows into one row?
What are the types of synonyms?
What the is the diff between local index and global index. give some example.
How to install oracle odbc drivers?
How to omit columns with default values in insert statement in oracle?
What is the minimum client footprint required to connect c# to an oracle database?
Query to get max and second max in oracle in one query ?
34 Answers CTS, Keane India Ltd, TCS, Wipro,
What is a static data dictionary in oracle?
What is a table index?
Create table Employee ( Employee_Id varchar2(8) Constraint emp_id_pk primary key, FirstName varchar2(50), LastName varchar2(50), DeptID Number(5) Constraint dept_id_fk Foreign Key(DeptId) References Department(DeptId) ) Error I am getting: Constraint specification are not allowed here