what is the difference between "types" and "data" in abap.

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what is the difference between "types" and "data" in abap...

Answer / nimesh kumar

The main difference between DATA and TYPE in ABAP is that
DATA occupy memory space while TYPE does not occupy memory

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what is the difference between "types" and "data" in abap...

Answer / shankar

The main difference between DATA and TYPE in ABAP is that
Data for use in Predefined data objects and Types for use
in User defined Data objects

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what is the difference between "types" and "data" in abap...

Answer / chetan

We can not assign value to a variable which is created as TYPE.
TYPES: a1 TYPE i .
DATA: a2 TYPE a1 .
is correct. But,

data : a3 TYPE a2.
is wrong.

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what is the difference between "types" and "data" in abap...

Answer / deepika rao

types are defiend with veribal (we has allready asine a
veriable and we want a another variable like that veriable
then we use type. as ew has acct is a nummeric veriable and
we also want a numeric veriable bal. there we can use type.)
when we defined a veriable first time then we use data for
given that type ( int, char, float,etc.).

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