What is forward() and include() of servlets
RequestDispatcher interface?

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What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?..

Answer / katamraju

Forward():By using forward() method of RequestDispatcher ,ew
can forward a request to a another resource(i.e
servlets,jsp,html....),at finally we can see only called
resource output(i.e second resource output )
For exm. we have two servlets,(servlet1 and servlet2) we are
forwarding request from servlet1 to servlet2, in this case
we can see only servlet2 output.
include():By using include() method of RequestDispatcher we
can forward a request from servlet12 to servlet2 ,in this
case we can see both outputs(i.e servlet1 and servlet2).

in both case single request and single response.

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 9 No

What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?..

Answer / srilatha


In ServletRequestDispatcher ,By using forward() method,we
can forward a request to a another resource(i.e
servlets,jsp,html....),at finally we can see only called
resource output(i.e second resource output,i.e response)
For exm. we have two servlets,(servlet1 and servlet2) we are
forwarding request from servlet1 to servlet2, in this case
we can see only servlet2 output(i.e response for the
in forward()it will take only servlet1 output.
(ex: in servlet we a\are having some name like srinu with
background color blue, it will take only the name not the


By using include() method of RequestDispatcher we
can forward a request from servlet1 to servlet2 ,in this
case we can see both outputs(i.e servlet1 and servlet2).

in include()it will include the servlet1 page and
forwarding to the servlet2)
in this case we can see both servlet1& servlet2 as the
part of response.

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?..

Answer / nagababu

include() we have used include method for dispatch the
request, The browser will get the output generated by
Calling Servlet and Called Servlet.

forward() we have used forward method for dispatch request,
The browser will get the output generated by Called Servlet
and Calling Servlet will be discarded.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 1 No

What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?..

Answer / ravikiran

forward will make the flow into a different page,where as
include mechanism will include the page to the current
response and continues the flow.
Note:the forward and include should be called before the
response is committed for example before the call to flush()
or flushBuffer() or the write method in the response stream

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?..

Answer / ravikiran

forward will make the flow into a different page,where as
include mechanism will include the page to the current
response and continues the flow.
Note:the forward and include should be called before the
response is committed for example before the call to flush()
or flushBuffer() or the write method in the response stream

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?..

Answer / suresh

forward() is used to just forward the request and response

include() is used to pass the values and request and
response object,one servlet to another servlet

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 19 No

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