explain the functions of the human skeleton
You have done Polical science.Why did you choose to do MBA and why in marketing and systems only?
sir, i completed my diploma at 2009,den i joined in a degree course but i didnt completed my btech due to some problem.so now 2012, dat means three years gap.i want a job in it sector.but in most companies,they want btech candidate.so wat type of problem'll come if i produce fake btech critificate???? they'll varify my qualification? and wat'll happen if they found my critificate's r false after getting job?
A state in India has the following characteristics i)Its northern part is arid and semi-arid ii)Its central part produces cotton. iii)Cutlivation of cash crops is predominant over food crops
discuss the pros and cons of subsidized state agricultural financing in Rural and Agricultural Development
Which is the first credit card of the world.
when wil the SBM clerical interview results be announced? and how??
let me know by some one about Two bus scheme in switchyard relatedd to power plants
I am working in a company situated at Maharashtra. Now looking for a job change & have as offer from a well known company situated at Chennai & posting is also in chennai. What would be a reasonable salary hike should demand for the post while negotiating as currently I am drawing 5 Lac PA in Maharashtra. Please advice...
what is meaning of ranking 0-5 given in your answer . For what No. of ranking answer is correct.
What. Is. This sap mining
what is the take home salary of a probationary officer in any of the PSU bank apart from SBI
How do I conditionally change the background of a column in Cognos ReportNet