Can any body advise the best link to prepare for the
forthcoming exams of Section Officer(Audit) to be held on
the 30th of November? Does only 125 vacancies exist all
over India in the general category?
Why you choose air force over navy and army?
What is the difference between LDOM nd zones
Hi, I am Pragya Diwakar,Wanted to know the possible Interview questions asked during Syndicate bank for PO exam...can anyone forward the questions to me at in advance!!
different of bank statment and stock transfer in cash book
Dear Sir, We we purchase we are charges by the our customer 5 Vat.When we are selling out side State we are charging 2 % cst for Registered dealer.My question is on 100*5=5 Total 105.for a procust. If we are selling the same product for Rs.120*2 for Against C Form.The cost of the item.RS.120*2.24.If C form issuing the value of the Forms is required and how % is the value.This is for costing purpose.
when will be declared result of allahabad clerical exam?
Does any one has the last question papers/questions related to voluntary retirement scheme (or) safety related retirement scheme (SRRS)? If not please let me know the pattern of test? Thanks in advance. Regards, Sudhakar
You have done Polical science.Why did you choose to do MBA and why in marketing and systems only?
i have cleared iob po written exam 2011 can any body say when will be the possible date of interview
hi, im working as a domestic helper in malaysia and i want to ask what are the documents needed if i want to apply for a visit visa to australia alone without my there a big chance for me to get a visa. hope you can help me.
Which fictional character created by Jules Verne hated war and destroyed all warships
Which plants(Tree) or which type of plants give us maximum o2 than it takes. day/night ratio max.