01 ws-p pic 9(2).
01 ws-q pic 9(2) value 01.
01 ws-r pic 9(2) value 99.
compute p = q + r
what will be result of p ans(00) but my question is that
how i got 10 on the place of 00.
(truncation will ocuure on right side not left).
please tell me ?
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Answer / minhaj
01 p pic 9(02) value zero.
01 q pic 9(02) value 99.
01 r pic 9(02) value 1.
p = q+r.
actual p value = 100. but p value is numeric so it writes
from right to left tuncations will be taken left side.
so p value = 00 if u want p = 10 then use justifications
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / reddy kanupuru
u will get 00 only.
Because any numeric move will start from decimal pont
for exp : as per the given ques
compute p = q+r =100
here the decimal point is placed at the right side .
so if u move that to 99 , means before point two digits
(00) will be moved .
another exp:
q = 99v99
01 r pic 99v99 value 100.345
move r to q
the value is 00v34
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sam
01 p pic 9(02) value zero.
01 p1 pic 9(03) value zero
01 q pic 9(02) value 99.
01 r pic 9(02) value 1.
01 s pic x(02) value spaces.
p = q+r.
actual p value = 100. but p value is numeric so it writes
from right to left tuncations will be taken left side.
so p value = 00 if u want p = 10
but we cann't use justifications
since justification claue works on alphanumeric field.
so compute p1 = q+r.
move p1 to s . ( here s will contain value 10)
now move s to p.then p will be 10.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / minhaj
p = q+r actuall result is p = 10 but u want p = 10 so we
right the code as p = q+r justified right
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / nataraj
q value is 01
r value is 99
after compute p value is 100
normally value is printed left to right so u get 10
place of p
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 5 No |
simple always remember that for numeric it's Left
SO P=100 but as per you it shd be 00 but it will be 10
1 IS FROM LEFT SIDE MOST THEN 00 so if we move as per above
p is pic9(02)
so 10 first 1 is moved from left to left then 0 is moved
but since pic 9(02) only to digits get moved
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 5 No |
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