Hi Ex Servicemen Candidates, Can any one tell me how many
Ex Servicemen candidates have been called for the SBI
Clerical Post -2008 interview in Tamil Nadu ? When will be
the results declared?
hi friends,any idea or guesses about, when bank of india is going to declare clerical written test result ? Kindly share information and interact each other in this forum.
Hi this is roopanya, i have been shotrtlisted for karnataka bank clerical interview. Do any one the no of vacancies and from when the interview is starting in chennai. My interview date is 12.3.2010
7 Answers TCS, Travancore Cochin Chemicals Limite,
I've done MBA, so if they ask me why I want to join as a clerk in Karnatka bank, then what should I answer?
Iam appearing for sbi clerical exams in july for the first time, can u mail me the relevant questions, so to get an idea on my mail id i.e rima.muranjan@gmail.com
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
hiii, I have cleared the written test for sbi clerical post and my interview is scheduled to be on 22nd october and i am doing final year electronics and communication engineering.So i am confused regarding the type of questions which i will have to face in the interview.will the questions be from my field or will it be the general banking questions.if someone knows more regarding this ,please mail to me or reply in the site.I am very much tensed regarding this,hope you will help me to tackle the situation and best of luck to everyone. my mail id:sp.unnithan@gmail.com
what is credit control?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
what is bank crisis
When will SBI declare results for SBI CLERK INTERVIEW 2010 Any Idea Please answer? ATUL KASHIPUR (UTTRAKHAND)
10 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Can anybody give the ans for this questions it will be helpful for the interview, what are the challanges for banks in future as how to compete with public banks? how to fight with inflation? how to maintain the eco. growth in respect of SEBI & RBI regulations?.
Frieds, some more information for SBI clerical interview and I am Udaya Bhaskar 9490238751 At present Managing Director of SBH is Smt. Renu Challu and Chief General Manager is Sri. Sudhir Garg. Main office of SBH is situated at Gunfoundry, Hyderabad. Coming to SBI, Sri. OP Bhatt is the Chairman, SK Bhattacharya is MD&CC&RO as of my knowledge. Corporate of office of SBI is located at State Bank Bhavan, PB NO.12, Madame Came Road, Mumbai-400021. Turnover of SBI and its subsidiaries is reached around 8 lakh crores. SBH alone reached turn over of 1 lakh crores and it is equal to Canara Bank Turnover. SBH booked 616 crores Net profit for the year 2008-09. Largest bank of world for 2008 is 1) Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (China) 2) Bank of America (US) 3) (Honkong and Shangai Banking Corporation)HSBC Holdings (UK) Functions of RBI - Serves as Banker to Banks - Serves as Banker to Government - Serves as controlling authority for whole banking process in India - Serves as Currency issuing authority* * Kindly note that issual of coins and one rupee not is done by Ministry of Finance Micro finance is lendig small amounts of money to the poor at lesser interests
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Sir, I have qualified in the sbi clerical test .Now my interview is on 16-10-2008.So pls tell me what questions are asked in the interview and tell me the reference book for interview in sbi.
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
hi everybody, iam swathi, i have attended interview on oct 15th. in interview they asked me about 15 questions, but for most of them they asked about just 5-10 questions . then why did they asked me so many questions. out of 15 i answered 11 only. will i be selected or not .please can any one answer me.