program to find the magic square using array

program to find the magic square using array..

Answer / sneh nagaonkar

/*Program to takes the the data of a 3x3 matrix and check if the given matrix is magic

square or not*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int num[3][3];
int sum[8];
int r,c,i;

/*Function to take the value in matrix from user*/
void read_matrix()
for(r=0;r<3; r++)
for(c=0;c<3; c++)
printf("Enter value for %d %d::",r,c);

/*Function to print matrix and get the sum of rows,cols and diaglons*/
void print_calc_rows_cols()
int sum_row,sum_col,ctr=0;

/*Print the Matrix and get the sum of rows*/
for(r=0;r<3; r++)
for(c=0;c<3; c++)
printf(":: %d",sum_row);

/*Get the sum of columns*/


/*Get the sum of diagnols*/


/*Function to Check the sum of rows,cols and diagnols*/
char check_matrix()
char c;
for(i=0;i<3; i++)
return c;

void main()
char c;

/*Print the result*/
printf("\nThis Matrix is a Magic Square");
printf("\nThis Matrix is Not a Magic Square");


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