what is heart beat in weblogic
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Answer / vamsee
heart beat is a signal,this signals are sent by objects.
think that there are 5 servers.(the servers with in the
cluster to communicate each other they use multicast ip)
if u add one objet to any oneof these server that object
will send a heart beat signal to multicast ip from there
remainig servers will receive that signals and update thire
jndi tree.from this only each server will known the helth
of each object.if the object is stop sending heart beats
the servers treat that that object is failed
Is This Answer Correct ? | 34 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / abhi
Heart Beat messages send every 10 seconds not every 3 sec.
If 3 consecutive attempts will fail, server marked as a failed.
Let me know if any conserns.
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Yeah above answer is also right..
I would say like this.
There are 5 managed servers in a cluster.Then each managed
server will communicate each other with the help of
mutlicast ip.After every 3 sec heartbeat checks whethe
anothers are alive or not.If it is alive it says I am
alive.or else no response.Then the conclusion is that
perticular managed server is not alive.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 20 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / supreetyadav
WebLogic Server uses IP multicast for all one-to-many
communications among server instances in a cluster. This
communication includes:
Cluster-wide JNDI updates—Each WebLogic Server instance in
a cluster uses multicast to announce the availability of
clustered objects that are deployed or removed locally.
Each server instance in the cluster monitors these
announcements and updates its local JNDI tree to reflect
current deployments of clustered objects. For more details,
see Cluster-Wide JNDI Naming Service.
Cluster heartbeats— Each WebLogic Server instance in a
cluster uses multicast to broadcast regular "heartbeat"
messages that advertise its availability. By monitoring
heartbeat messages, server instances in a cluster determine
when a server instance has failed. (Clustered server
instances also monitor IP sockets as a more immediate
method of determining when a server instance has failed.)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
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