Say something about yourself?
Do you have bank account?
What type of account? sb or current?
How do bank help in economic development?
what is present SBI Call Rate and SBI VALUE in sensex?
Hi i would like to know what are reasons for medically unfit for sbi clerk. iam OH like Paraplegea so I finished my interview But now tension about medical test ple.. anybody clarify my query my id
hi. i'm jyoti arora from hissar . plz tell me when will be the result of obc clerical exam held on 09-01-2011 declared
4 Answers Bank of Baroda, Oriental Bank Of Commerce,
Hi friends, Any news about when Bank of baroda clerical result will be announced?Plz Answer
When does a state bank day celebrated?
2 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
hi friends, i have selected for sbh,i also attended to medical tests, but i did not got any further information about reference letters or posting letters,if u got information or letter please inform me ....
when will sbi clerk 2009 interview results come which was held in may second week..
am selected in allahabad bank for the state of tamil nadu. date of joining is been mentioned as 24.08.09 but i dint get my appointment letter. did anyone who got selected for the same bank in the same state got the appointment letter or any other intimation
what is the difference between primary memory and secondary memory
hi everybody, iam swathi, i have attended interview on oct 15th. in interview they asked me about 15 questions, but for most of them they asked about just 5-10 questions . then why did they asked me so many questions. out of 15 i answered 11 only. will i be selected or not .please can any one answer me.
Hi i m Msc Bed & i have an interview of SBI on 16th octo i want to know what is the best ans of "why u want to join Bank? why u dont go in education field? pls give an ans of this as soon as possible, my id is purvi11085@gmail.comSNB
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,