why we cant create array of refrences
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Answer / o saienni
You cannot have a pointer to a reference.
In other words
int &* isn't allowed.
int nArray[3];
The variable nArray is infact a pointer to an array or an
int pointer and the [] will find the offset within that
array. So an array of references will be a pointer to a
reference and this is why it's not allowed.
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Answer / som shekhar
Since References are not objects and they dont have any
storage of their own , they always refer to the existing
object. Therefore it doesn't make sense to have an array of
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Answer / narender vadhava
in array like a[50];
[] = subscript caller
this subscript caller is use to increment the pointer of
variable or say offset of the variable not to increase the
value so we cant crate array of refrences.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
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