I want to know how to connect to DataBase from our MIDP
application. I need just code for this
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Answer / kumton
U cannot directly connect to Databases from Midlet. Best
way to retrive data from db server is to write a servlet
that retrieves data from db server and gives to midlet.
U can call servlet from midlet using GCF
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Answer / sivakumar.j
You cannnot directly access the database.A servlet or webservice is act as a intermediate.U call the intermediate then the intermediate access the database then send response to Midlet
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Answer / guest
Use JDBC package; but it is available for CDC based device
only. Ref: J2ME Complete Reference chapter 10
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Answer / krishna
You can not dirctly access to any data base through
midlet .you have to create a web service which will be
communicating with data base as well as with mobile client.
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