Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical
file using the CRTLF command only once?.

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / devender s gusain

No You can create single LF at a time. you can select
multiple members of a PF.

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / prasanna

NO it is not possible to create 300 Logical file only one
file at a time is possible on a command line. May be we can
300 members for a same logical file using crtlf

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / manoj

If we write utility program then then we can create 300
logical files based on a single physical
file using the CRTLF command.

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / shishir

no , we can create one logical file on one physical file at a time .......and for thoe who are saying yes then please explain it in details with steps so we can also try it practically ...till then my answer is no

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / abhishek kumar

Maximum number of keyed logical files built over a physical
file member is 3,686 files

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / ps

We can create but important question why do you want to
create 300 LF on PF? i think purpose of LF is to fetch/view
data as per requirement. Ideally each LF on same PF should
have different key list . i don't see any point of
creating 300 logical. this will degrade performance .

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / danish hasan

Yes we can do so..but each LF name should be diffrrent

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Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?...

Answer / rashmimalpani

I guess yes... because if we write crtlf and press F4 it
gves us option to create many logical files at the same
time... Please correct me if i m wrong

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