How Struts will follow the MVC?

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How Struts will follow the MVC?..

Answer / guest

The basic purpose of the MVC architecture is to separate the
business logic and application data from the presentation
data to the user. So in struts there are various components
for these three flavours. For Model struts has not provided
any component as a part of framework so user can have
liberty to use code of his own. For view components JSPs are
used mainly.And for controller there are Action servlet and
the structs configuration files which together acts as a

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How Struts will follow the MVC?..

Answer / rout

clear separation betwwen the layers..

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How Struts will follow the MVC?..

Answer / somesh

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is a proven and
convenient way to generate organized, modular applications
that cleanly separate logic, style, and data. In the Java
world, Struts is one of the best-known and most talked
about open source embodiments of MVC. Struts contributors
have recently enhanced the project's core functionality and
improved the view support, incorporating the Tiles view
component framework to strengthen support for component-
based development, to increase reuse, and to enhance

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How Struts will follow the MVC?..

Answer / krishnareddy

hi all,
->designpattern means it is the solution for the
reoccuring problem.
->The main aim of the MVC architecture is to separate
the business logic and application data from the
presentation data to the user.
->in model we can write our own code(like beans).
simply we can say that model is responsible for
managing the data.
->in view component we can write jsp code.
->controler is responsible for controling the application.
as part of controler we can write the servlet code.
use of mvc:-
1)suppose we write the code as part of controler to connect
to oracle database.
now i want to connect to another database like
that particular swictuation i dont need to change model and
view components.what ever the code up to that controler
part only has been changed.
so that performance of the application automatically
there is the clean separation between the business logic
and presentation logic.
2) By using the MVC design pattern our
application becomes more expressive

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How Struts will follow the MVC?..

Answer / tanugula pradeep kumar

hi to all .here is another answer.i hope it may be used to
to atleast anyone .

Struts provides you the basic infrastructure infrastructure
for implementing MVC allowing the developers to concentrate
on the business logic.

MVC Architecture

The main aim of the MVC architecture is to separate the
business logic and application data from the presentation
data to the user.

Here are the reasons why we should use the MVC design
They are resuable : When the problems recurs, there is no
need to invent a new solution, we just have to follow the
pattern and adapt it as necessary.
They are expressive: By using the MVC design pattern our
application becomes more expressive.

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How Struts will follow the MVC?..

Answer / uio


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