What is the difference between InnoDb tables and MyIsam
Tables in php
Answer / rameshfromind
InnoDB is commonly viewed as anything but performant,
especially when compared to MyISAM. Many actually call it
slow. This view is mostly supported by old facts and
mis-information. In reality, you would be very hard-pressed
to find a current, production-quality MySQL Database Engine
with the CPU efficiency of InnoDB. It has its performance
"quirks" and there are definitely workloads for which it is
not optimal, but for standard OLTP (Online Transaction
Processing) loads, it is tough to find a better, safer fit.
4.Data Security
3.Resource Usage
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3 Answers DLF, Infosys, Net Solution, Vcare,
class Database { public static $_instance; public static function getInstance() { if(!isset(self::$_instance)) self::$_instance = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); print_r(self::$_instance); return self::$_instance; } } can any one explain "self::$_instance = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);" this line
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