How do you create Connection?
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After loading the driver in order to refer the what kind of
database u communicate we Establish the connection with the
help of a static method called GETCONNECTION this is from
EX: DriverManager.getConnection
here jdbc,odbc,sid -> is url and sid is service id.
scott - > is user name.
tiger - > is password.
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Answer / mathivanan
Connection is the second step of JDBC followed by
Driver_Loading. It gives the connection between the
database Driver's Manager and our java program.
Syntax: Connection con_obj = DriverManager.getConnection
("url", "login_name", "password");
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Answer / suresh kumar
to create connection first we have to load the driver using
then register the driver using DriverManager.getConnection()
afterwards you can create Statement object and u can
execute the qurey
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Answer / vikky jain
i think the one of easiest way to create a connection is
that we have to perform following steps
1. we have to define what is driver name, url address of
database , user name and password of database .
like it
String driverName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
String url ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3309/test";
String userid ="root";
String password ="1234";
after it we have to load drivers whatever name we given above
//driver loading
after loading drivers we need to get the connection by using
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid, password);
if value of con is not null then connection has been created
where con is an object of Connection class.
if the value is null it means that there may be some
trouble in database connectivity so it may throw an error
named SQLException
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ramu
. To create connection first we have to load the driver using
. Get a connection to the database using DriverManager.getConnection()
after wards you can create Statement object and u can
execute the query
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