When you?re running a component within ASP.NET, what process
is it running within on Windows XP? Windows 2000? Windows 2003?

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When you?re running a component within ASP.NET, what process is it running within on Windows XP? Wi..

Answer / atul atey

On Windows 2003 (IIS 6.0) running in native mode, the
component is running within the w3wp.exe process associated
with the application pool which has been configured for the
web application containing the component.
On Windows 2003 in IIS 5.0 emulation mode, 2000, or XP, it’s
running within the IIS helper process aspnet_wp.exe.

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When you?re running a component within ASP.NET, what process is it running within on Windows XP? Wi..

Answer / harshvardhan

On Windows 2003 (IIS 6.0) running in native mode, the component is running within the w3wp.exe process associated with the application pool which has been configured for the web application containing the component.
On Windows 2003 in IIS 5.0 emulation mode, 2000, or XP, it's running within the IIS helper process whose name I do not remember, it being quite a while since I last used IIS 5.0.

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