IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from
this problem

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / cj

Instream data cannot be given in catalogued procedures.
They can be coded in main jcl or instream procedures only.

So code a catalogued proc named PROC1 as given in eg. below:

//STEP1 EXEC PGM=progname (prog. that needs instream data)

In main JCL, execute this catalogued procedure, but
override the ddname DATA1 with your instream data. Code as
given in eg. below:

{lines of data}

I hope this helps.

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / raja

No you cannot

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / vijay k

In the proc you have to code like this. Keep the INSTREAM
data in the parm card.

In the proc.

//sysin dd dsn= xyz.file(sortcpy),disp=shr

In the parm card, sortcpy should be like this.

sort fields=copy

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / vengat

We can Use Instream in Catalog Procedure.

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / hamed

code the sysin stmt as below
//sysin dd dummy

and override this from the step as below
in the JCL
//sysin.dd dsn= xyz

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / sucharita

But where shall I enter the data ?
The question was how to give instream-data, not how to use
sysin in proc.
Please someone clarify this..

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IN-STREAM DATA NOT ALLOWED IN PROC how can come out from this problem..

Answer / pavan

can we use " SYSIN DD * " in a catalogued procedure.

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