what is WLS T3 protocol?
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Answer / janet
Weblogic's implementationof the RMI specification uses a
proprietary wire-protocol known as T3. javasoft's reference
implementation of RMI uses a proprietary protocol callrd
JRMP. weblogic developed T3 because they needed a
scalable,efficient protocol for building enterprise-class
destributed object systems with java.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 53 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / kamal sastry
T3 is an optimized protocol used to transport data between
WebLogic Server and other Java programs,
including clients and other WebLogic Servers. WebLogic
Server keeps track of every Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) with which it connects, and creates a single
T3 connection to carry all traffic for a
For example, if a Java client accesses an enterprise bean
and a JDBC connection pool on WebLogic
Server, a single network connection is established between
the WebLogic Server JVM and the client
JVM. The EJB and JDBC services can be written as if they
had sole use of a dedicated network
connection because the T3 protocol invisibly multiplexes
packets on the single connection.
T3 is an efficient protocol for Java-to-Java applications
because it avoids unnecessary network
connection events and uses fewer OS resources. The protocol
also has internal enhancements that
minimize packet sizes
Is This Answer Correct ? | 41 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ram
T3 provides a framework for WebLogic Server messages that
support for enhancements. These enhancements include
abbreviations and features, such as object replacement,
that work in the context of WebLogic Server clusters and
HTTP and other product tunneling. T3 predates Java Object
Serialization and RMI, while closely tracking and
leveraging these specifications. T3 is a superset of Java
Object. Serialization or RMI; anything you can do in Java
Object Serialization and RMI can be done over T3. T3 is
mandated between WebLogic Servers and between programmatic
clients and a WebLogic Server cluster. HTTP and IIOP are
optional protocols that can be used to communicate between
other processes and WebLogic Server. It depends on what you
want to do. For example, when you want to communicate
between a browser and WebLogic Server-use HTTP, or an ORB
and WebLogic Server-IIOP.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 35 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / sankalp
t3 protocal is basically for the communication between the
processes hosted only on weblogic.
but if one process is on weblogic and other(s) is(are)
hosted on any other server then http or weblogic specific
IIOP protocals can be used.
but if the processes are not on weblogic , in that case
case neither IIOP nor T3 can be used,The only option is
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / kent
Official doc:
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / arta
T3 provides a framework for WebLogic Server messages that
support for enhancements. These enhancements include
abbreviations and features, such as object replacement,
that work in the context of WebLogic Server clusters and
HTTP and other product tunneling. T3 predates Java Object
Serialization and RMI, while closely tracking and
leveraging these specifications. T3 is a superset of Java
Object. Serialization or RMI; anything you can do in Java
Object Serialization and RMI can be done over T3. T3 is
mandated between WebLogic Servers and between programmatic
clients and a WebLogic Server cluster. HTTP and IIOP are
optional protocols that can be used to communicate between
other processes and WebLogic Server. It depends on what you
want to do. For example, when you want to communicate
between a browser and WebLogic Server-use HTTP, or an ORB
and WebLogic Server-IIOP.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / kruthi
T3 protocal is used to communicate betwen the EJB's in the
wl serevr instances
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 26 No |
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