why share issued over the par value? or why issue share by
share premium?

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why share issued over the par value? or why issue share by share premium?..

Answer / pooja gupta

Shares are issued over the par value or at premium when the
companies have good income and reputation in the market and
general public are ready to buy the shares above the par
value and the amount of premium is decided through book
building process by biding.

The amount equal to the premium is transferred to the
securities premium account and this account can be only
utilised as per section 78(2) of the companies Act, 1956.

We can say that premium is the extra amount which the
company can take from investors due to its good income
generating capacity.

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 4 No

why share issued over the par value? or why issue share by share premium?..

Answer / anuj arora

Shares are issued over the par value or at premium when the
companies have good income and reputation in the market and
general public are ready to buy the shares above the par
value and the amount of premium is decided through book
building process by biding.

The amount equal to the premium is transferred to the
securities premium account and this account can be only
utilised as per section 78(2) of the companies Act, 1956.

We can say that premium is the extra amount which the
company can take from investors due to its good income
generating capacity.
Application of funds collected as premium are specified in
Section 78 of Companies Act, 1956 which reads as follows
(1) Where a company issues shares at a premium, whether for
cash or otherwise, a sum equal to the aggregate amount or
value of the premiums on those shares shall be transferred
to an account, to be called "the 1[securities] premium
account"; and the provisions of this Act relating to the
reduction of the 1[securities] capital of a company shall,
except as provided in this section, apply as if the
1[securities] premium account were paid-up 1[securities]
capital of the company.

(2) The 1[securities] premium account may, notwithstanding
anything in sub-section (1), be applied by the company-

(a) in paying up unissued shares of the company to be
issued to members of the company as fully paid bonus shares;

(b) in writing off the preliminary expenses of the company;

(c) in writing off the expenses of, or commission paid
or discount allowed on, any issue of shares or debentures of
the company; or

(d) in providing for the premium payable on the
redemption of any redeemable preference shares or of any
debentures of the company.

(3) Where a company has, before the commencement of this
Act, issued any shares at a premium, this section shall
apply as if the shares had been issued after the
commencement of this Act.

Provided that any part of the premiums which has been so
applied that it does not at the commencement of this Act
form an identifiable part of the company's reserves within
the meaning of Schedule VI, shall be disregarded in
determining the sum to be included in the 1[securities]
premium account.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

why share issued over the par value? or why issue share by share premium?..

Answer / ramdoyal meghna

Shares are issued at a premium:
 to ensure fairness between old and new shareholders
 if 2800 shares issued at £1 then shares would have a nbv of
9800/4800 = £2.04 and original shareholders would have lost £1.46
per share book value
 the retained profits have been earned by original shareholders and
issuing the new shares at a premium ensures new shareholders buy
a stake in those earnings

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

why share issued over the par value? or why issue share by share premium?..

Answer / kanika khare

Listed companies as per the SEBI guidelines. Some times
companies like Reliance power can misuse market dynamics to
issue shares at premium, while it makes no sense.
b) Unlisted private companies and there is no regulation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

why share issued over the par value? or why issue share by share premium?..

Answer / rajansh thukral

Shares are issued over the par by

a) Listed companies as per the SEBI guidelines. Some times
companies like Reliance power can misuse market dynamics to
issue shares at premium, while it makes no sense.
b) Unlisted private companies and there is no regulation.

Even a new company can issue shares over par value. e.g. a
company may bring in Rs.one crore against a paid up capital
of only Rs.one lac to save the fees payable to the
government which is dependent on the authorised capital of
the company.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 12 No

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