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i WANT ALL ERROR codes IN CICS and DB2..

Answer / asmara

-818 Error Code is the Time stamp error which is very well
known in DB2
-803 is the duplicate error- if you insert same record in
the same table.
104-error indicates that either a field that is defined as
integer is specified with quotes or an Char value in insert
that needs to represented with quotes is not represented
so, Hope this helps to solve your issue

-805 Error will come when we didnt bind it.
-305 suppose one of ur db2 table column is defined as NOT
NULL, if you trying to insert Null value on that column at
that time u will get this error. in simple way null
indicator error.
-311 This will occur when we wont care about varchar fields
CICS Abends: ASRA ABENDS nothing but SOC004,SOC007 Mainly
one time i got "CDS full" means control data set is full so
for solving this delete the unwanted data list from the
file control table or else move it in after exceeeding the
size limit of member.

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i WANT ALL ERROR codes IN CICS and DB2..

Answer / kingmanish

First of all u are asking about DB2 and CICS error in COBOL
section. Why?? :)

Secondly to get exhaustive list refer Books or IBM manuals.
If u need clarification on any particular error code.
post it here

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