How can I Debug a shell scripts and Perl scripting??
or How do you debug a shell scripting and perl scripting (
at the compile time error or run
time error) in Unix environment ?

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How can I Debug a shell scripts and Perl scripting?? or How do you debug a shell scripting and per..

Answer / hema

Using sh -x script argument you can debug(-x option).
Bash shell offers debugging options which can be turn on or
off using
set command.
=> set -x : Display commands and their arguments as they are
=> set -v : Display shell input lines as they are read.

Hope this answers your question.

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How can I Debug a shell scripts and Perl scripting?? or How do you debug a shell scripting and per..

Answer / manas

We can debug only by $? which contains the returned value
of last executed command.

If $? contains 0 value then command run successfully other
wise error occured while running command

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How can I Debug a shell scripts and Perl scripting?? or How do you debug a shell scripting and per..

Answer / sushil

In addition to Hema's ans :
We can have some $? statement, echo statements embadded in
In pern we can use -w option to print the warning or erros
generated during compilation, can make use os strict to force
to use good programming practice...

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How can I Debug a shell scripts and Perl scripting?? or How do you debug a shell scripting and per..

Answer / ram

We can also use below command to debug the script
bash -xv <>

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