what is the input to PLAN?
what is the input to DBRM?

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what is the input to PLAN? what is the input to DBRM?..

Answer / harish

dbrm or package is input to plan....talking abt
dbrm.......the cobol+db2 prgrm is input to precompiler which
separtes cobol souce code and dbrm

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what is the input to PLAN? what is the input to DBRM?..

Answer / mani

DBRMs and Packages are the input to the plan as said above.
The input to DBRM is the sql statements in the cobol db2
i.e all the sql statements in the cobol db2 program will be
replaced by the host language statements in this case it is
cobol and the sql statements are bound into DBRMs.

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what is the input to PLAN? what is the input to DBRM?..

Answer / guest

The input to a plan is a DBRM or package. The DBRM is a
copy of the SQL statements of the program that is being

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what is the input to PLAN? what is the input to DBRM?..

Answer / anil reddy

DBRM-Caontains SQL statments seperated from your host
laguae bt Precompiler.

PLAN-Is the generated by BIND process , which will contain
Excutale cde for SQL statements in the DBRM.

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