what is array_search() in php?
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Answer / binu.v.pillai
It will search a particular value in an array and if it
find that , it will return corresponding index
$fruitArray = array(0 => 'orange', 1 => 'apple', 2
=> 'mango', 3 => 'grapes');
$key = array_search('apple', $fruitArray); // $key = 1;
$key = array_search('orange', $fruitArray); // $key = 0;
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Answer / sivanandareddy
The array_search() function search an array for a value and returns the key.
Parameter Description
value Required. Specifies the value to search for
array Required. Specifies the array to search in
strict Optional. Possible values:
false - Default
When set to true, the number 5 is not the same as the string 5 (See example 2)
Example 1
echo array_search("Dog",$a);
The output of the code above will be:
Example 2
echo array_search(5,$a,true);
The output of the code above will be:
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