what happend with out using Commit,when closing cursor and

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what happend with out using Commit,when closing cursor and program?..

Answer / harish

yes, commit-it will save the changes that we done to db2

when operation is performed successfully table will be auto
committed its default,suppose if any abends occur all
changes will be rolled back , table will come to original

since while updating millions of records somewhere some
abend occurs that time its better to have commit ,so till
upto abend whatever changes occured in table will be

pls let me know if u have any queries


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what happend with out using Commit,when closing cursor and program?..

Answer / praveen

If the program ran successfully, then it will commit.

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what happend with out using Commit,when closing cursor and program?..

Answer / guna

If there is no commit while closing cursor or a program,
processed records are lost when an abnormal end occurs.
Say, if due to the execution of the program some rows are
inserted/deleted/updated in a table, those changes will be
It is a better practice to give commit after every
insertion/updation queries and before terminating a

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what happend with out using Commit,when closing cursor and program?..

Answer / vish

True that we should Explicitly COMMIT the data instead of
depending on auto comit. But COMMITing after every
insert/update of data is not a very good option. Explicit
COMMIT incurs an overhead and makes the processing slow. So
if we are inserting/updating a large number of data into
table, COMMIT after every such update will make the Job
very slow, which in most of the cases, is not preferrable
for production Jobs. In fact, the COMMIT frequency should
be chosen very carefully for every program (please note we
should not have a common COMMIT frequncy for all the
programs as the data being proceesed by different programs
will be different and hence their importance & time to re-
process them also differs) keeping in mind that neither the
performance should be degraded nor the data should be lost.
Suggesstions are Welcome!!

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what happend with out using Commit,when closing cursor and program?..

Answer / mani

The answer to the question is pretty simple and straight.

Auto commit happens when the cursor is closed.
If at all there is any abend then the changes made will be lost.

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